Gabi Steiner - Empfehlungsmarketing
Life Plus, Gabi Steiner German Site
how referral marketing works

Every day we recommend something exciting that we have experienced or that impressed us.  However, we never get anything back for this “advertising”.

With Referral Marketing it‘s different.  A company will not invest in classical advertising but instead takes that money and, in a fair and feature-related way, rewards those of its customers who refer it to others.

Consider this scenario:

There are three petrol stations together in one area: an ESSO, a TEXACO and another one called FREE. The ESSO and TEXACO have fabulous facilities with a new shop, good service and invest heavily in advertising.
The FREE one does not advertise, has only self-service, but does offer its customers a wonderful rewards plan:(more Info - PDF)

"From Person to Person"
Earning a Stable Income from Referral Marketing
Von Mensch zu Mensch From Person to Person De persona a persona
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De persona a persona D´humain a humain De persona a persona
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E-Book "From Person to Person"
From Person to Person    
Life Plus, Gabi Steiner - Empfehlungsmarketing
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